Porta Alchema

By Dianna Dababneh

Take a look back in time when the nights were plagued by evil and some things lurked in the shadows. When immortality was the most prized dream for mortals, the ones who had it were considered creatures of the dark.


A Master Player of Words

Dianna Dababneh is a splendid storyteller of history, emotion, and mystery. She is the artist behind the tale of medieval Romania from the year 1471 in "Porta Alchema ." Dababneh's creative writing style makes the reader feel like they've stepped into another time and place.

Her use of extreme detail makes readers feel like they are physically going through the story. The crumbling cottages, ghostly lights, and spooky atmosphere of another time feel totally surreal. Dababneh keeps her readers interested by alternating between creative scenarios and conversational dialogue.

The Author

Dianna Dababneh

Revisit the Dark Ages

When The Nights Were Plagued By Evil

It is remarkable that hundreds of years ago, the most sought-after dream was attainable. During those times, the day was harsh, and the nights were unforgiving. People used to live in fear as the creatures of the night lurked in the shadows.

Love Finds a Way

During Uncertain Times, Romance Still Blossomed

In times when self-interest was the driving force for most people, a timeless romance blossoms. However, the union is polar opposites. The mortal and immortal can never be one with each other, yet their love leaps over time and reaches the recent days.

Articles & Blogs

The Vampire Lore in the Pages of [Insert Book Name]

The Vampire Lore in the Pages of [Insert Book Name]

In “[Insert Book Name],” Diana Dababneh writes a spellbinding tale of ancient riddles and enigmas. This book digs into the malevolent world of vampire lore,…

The Art of Building Suspense – A Plot Analysis of [Insert Book Name]

The Art of Building Suspense – A Plot Analysis of [Insert Book Name]

The artist Diana Dababneh is creating a literary spectacle back to history’s most iconic villain. Her masterful story transports readers to a scene of unbelievable…

The Paranormal Settings of [Insert Book Name] from Romania

The Paranormal Settings of [Insert Book Name] from Romania

Enter Diana Dababneh’s suspenseful and dark creativity through her latest book, “[Insert Book Name].” Set against Romania’s eerily gorgeous landscapes, this tale mixes fact with…

The Latest Publications

Dababneh's latest book, Porta Alchema, is available for pre-order. You can purchase it now and get an early bird discount.

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Up-Coming Books

The story will not end here, as the show must go on. Wait tight, as more thrills are yet to come your way. Readers will get more tales regarding the most feared vampire of all to ever exist.

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